Tuesday, 2 February 2016

EasyHits4U - One the most prominent online marketing programs on the Web

EasyHits4U - One the most prominent online marketing programs on the Web

Ceramah Ustadz Muhammad Arifin Ilham.... Ciri - ciri Surga & Neraka

Cara Daftar dan Mendapatkan Dollar dari YouGov

Cara Daftar dan Mendapatkan Dollar dari YouGov 

YouGov merupakan website penyedia layanan survey berbayar mahal (membayar setiap penggunanya). Sebenarnya website YouGov sudah lama eksis sebagai penyedia layanan survey, akan tetapi baru akhir-akhir ini dia melirik Indonesia untuk dijadikan sebuah lahan baru area survey-nya. Dan mereka pun pastinya juga punya alasan tersendiri mengapa mereka memilih Indonesia sebagai lahan baru sebagai area survey-nya.

Dan tak heran kalau survey ini sebelum-sebelumnya mendapatkan predikat buruk di mata orang-orang. Dimana banyak netizen kita/orang-orang yang  beranggapan bahwa survey ini adalah scam alias tidak membayar. Namun ternyata survey ini tidak seperti yang orang-orang bayangkan sebelumnya, karena ternyata survey YouGov ini sangatlah Legit dan mau membayar member mereka. Anda akan mendapatkan 25$ gratis setelah anda melakukan survey dan mengumpulkan 5000 poin. Setiap survey anda akan mendapatkan poin, dan setelah mencapai 5000 poin anda bisa tukarkan dengan uang via Paypal. Survey ini sangat mudah sekali karena dengan bahasa Indonesia.

Cara Daftar dan Mendapatkan Dollar di YouGov Gratis:

1. Silahkan anda daftar DISINI

2. Anda bisa daftar menggunakan email anda atau login menggunakan Facebook

3. Setelah daftar silahkan anda isi survey yang tersedia untuk mendapatkan poinnya !
4. Anda akan mendapatkan banyak poin hanya dengan mengisi survey tiap harinya kamu akan mendapatkan 1-3 survey kadang-kadang bisa lebih !

5. Setelah mencapai 5000 poin anda bisa langsung menebusnya dengan cara menukarkannya dengan uang via Paypal.

Demikian tutorial mengenai cara daftar dan mendapatkan uang dari YouGov, Jadi Buat kalian yang berminat, silahkan daftar DISINI, Dapatkan banyak dollar gratis dan jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini !

Ceramah Ustadz Aa Gym .... Mendidik Anak

Ceramah Ustadz Aa Gym .... Menyikapi Kesulitan

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Daftar PTC Adfiver dan Cara Menjalankannya

Cara Daftar PTC adfiver dan Cara Menjalankannya

1. Masuk dulu ke situsnya KLIK DISINI
2. Klik tombol "register now" seperti gambar di bawah ini dan klik
Klik Register Now
3. Isi username kamu, password, tanggal lahir, dan ketik captha yang ada di sana dengan benar kemudian klik tombol "Register"
Klik Register
4. Akan ada notifikasi bahwa Anda telah berhasil membuat akun baru, klik aja tombol "Sign In"
Klik Sign In

5. Kemudian Login menggunakan username dan pasword, jangan lupa untuk mengisi captchanya dengan benar, selanjuynya klik tombol "Login"

Klik Login
Nah, sekarang pada dashbord Anda akan terlihat seperti gambar di bawah ini, langsung aja klik tombol "View Advertisement" untuk segera mengumpulkan $ dolarnya

Klik View Advertisement
Di situ akan ada banyak sekali iklan yang harus Anda klik satu per satu untuk mengumpulkan $ sampai batas minimum untuk payout yaitu $3 dan bisa cash out Via Paypal.

Klik Iklannya
Tunggu sampai selesai iklannya loading, kalau koneksi Anda cepet loadingnya juga cepet.
Tunggu Loading
Jika sudah seperti gambar di bawah ini, berarti $ dolar sudah masuk ke dalam akun Anda, kumpulkan sampai $3 untuk minimum payoutnya via paypal atau bisa juga lebih dari $3.
Kumpulkan $ sebanyak mungkin dan klik semua iklan yang ada, jangan sampai ada 1 iklan pun yang terlewatkan agar cepat mencapai batas minimum untuk payoutnya.
Jadi tunggu apa lagi, Segeralah DAFTAR DISINI dan hasilkan dollar setiap hari.......

Friday, 8 January 2016

PTC Luar Negeri yang Terbukti Membayar

PTC Luar Negeri yang Terbukti Membayar

Apakah PTC atau "Paid To Click" itu ?

PTC atau Paid to Ckick , atau "Meng-Klik (iklan) Dibayar" adalah web dimana bila Anda mengklik iklan-iklannya Anda dibayar. Tentu saja Anda harus lebih dulu mendaftar menjadi member web tersebut.Untuk mendaftar , Anda tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis. Anda hanya perlu mengisi form yang tersedia di web tersebut, dan klik "daftar" atau "submit".

PTC dapat merupakan sumber pemasukan tambahan bagi Anda yang suka berselancar di dunia maya. Sambil online Anda dapat memperoleh rupiah yang akan ditransfer ke rekening Anda setelah melewati jumlah yang telah ditetapkan. Meskipun kita dibayar hanya kecil untuk setiap klik terhadap iklannya, namun jika dijumlah-jumlah itu akan mencapai angka yang lumayan juga.
Nah sistim klik iklan ini dikenal dengan nama PTC atau "Paid To Click".

Website PTC mendapat keuntungan dari pemasang iklan ketika iklan tersebut di klik .Dan agar iklannya di klik maka Web PTC membayar setiap anggota yang mengklik iklannya.
Anggota/member PTC ada beberapa macam, yakni Standar, Premium, Solar. Untuk anggota Standar adalah 100% GRATIS (namun belakangan sudah mulai ada yang berbayar). Sedangkan bagi anggota yang Premium atau yang lebih tinggi akan dikenakan biaya.
Untuk menjadi anggota yang Anda butuhkan mengisi form yang tersedia , kemudian klik "Daftar" atau Submit. Selanjutnya hanya bermodalkan browsing.

Namun harus diperhatikan betul Website PTC tersebut dengan baik sebab ada banyak yang nakal dan tidak membayar para anggotanya. Karena itu sebelum Anda bergabung harus survey terlebih dahulu apakah Website tersebut layak dipercaya.
Cobalah browsing di google dengan kata kunci PTC scam atau PTC Penipu/Bohong atau bisa juga masuk ke forumnya dan lihat pakah ada keluhan dari para membernya.
Nah berikut ini saya sertakan beberapa PTC yang saya perhatikan dapat dipercaya (paling tidak saat ini), dan saya telah membuktikannya.Dan sengaja saya pilihkan yang pembayarannya lewat Paypal, Kalau agan belum mempunyai akun Paypal bisa langsung Daftar disini.
Daftar PTC Luar Negeri yang terbukti Membayar :

PTC Clixsense adalah PTC yang paling lama dari yang lainnya dan masih membayar legit hingga saat ini. PTC Clixsense dibuat Tahun 2007. PTC Clixsense tidak memiliki fitur untuk rental refferal hanya memanfaatkan direct refferal. Itulah ciri khas Clixsense sehingga mampu bertahan hingga saat ini. Selain fitur direct refferal clixsense juga memiliki fitur untuk menambang duit lainnya yaitu Clix Grid. Kesempatan untuk meraup dollar cukup besar, jika beruntung kita bisa mendapatkan dollar sebesar $10. Selain dari klik iklan anda juga bisa mendapat dollar dari survey dan minijob. Karena Clixsense menyediakan banyak cara untuk menambang duit. Jika anda tertarik mari join dengan saya disini atau Join lewat banner dibawah ini.

PTC paidverts adalah PTC yang sangat populer dan membayar mahal. PTC Paidverts sudah lama berdiri. Namun PTC Paidverts terbukti membayar hingga saat ini dan sangat populer dan diminati para clicker. Sistem kerja paidverts berbeda dari PTC lainnya. Paidverts sistem kerjanya dengan cara klik iklan dan mengumpulkan BAP (Bonus Ads Point). Semakin Banyak BAP semakin besar iklan yang dikasih. Jika agan-agan tertarik silahkan daftar disini atau klik banner dibawah ini.


PTC GoldenClix merupakan PTC yang banyak menawarkan promo / bonus dan iklan yang banyak. Silahkan yang tertarik daftar disini atau klik banner dibawah ini.

Demikian PTC yang saya tampilkan, kalau ada pertanyaan bisa tanya saya. Mohon maaf tampilannya masih semrawut, sampai jumpa lagi di PTC selanjutnya.....

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Reasons To Create Blog

Reasons To Create Blog
Most of people sometimes under estimate a bout blog, but exactly make blog can make change our life even our income. Now, I want to give reasons to create blog.
1. Teach and inspire: Do you have a heart to inspire and teach? Create your own real estate online to do that. There is a lot of teaching and inspiring on social networks, but you want to have a place of your own - create a blog that people want to visit to get your teachings and inspirations.
2. Build your portfolio: Showcase your skills and experience with WordPress. The idea of having all of your work located in one place makes it easy to show off your experience. There are so many professions that can benefit from having an online portfolio. This is especially great if you're a fashion designer, coach, consultant, speaker, artist, photographer, writer, philosopher, graphic artist, illustrator, animator... and the list can go on to body shop workers, interior designers, and more. Plugins makes it easy for you to use audio clips, videos, and all kinds of before and after images.
3. For your resume: Create your online resume (using keywords and phrases for your field). LinkedIn is good, but on LinkedIn you are competing with hundreds of other people with similar skillsets to your own. Creating your online resume lets you drive the prospective employers to your space online.
4. Educate customers: Speaking directly to your customers' issues creates a dialog that creates loyalty and connection. It separates you from your competition and makes you the "go-to" expert. As you know, the information age brings on the challenge of your customers needing an easier way to navigate changes in the marketplace and find new ways of solving problems. This is a way for you to keep them in the loop. Do you have frequently asked questions? Use your blog to answer those questions - that way, you can point others who have the same question to that blog post (and you can update the answer as it evolves).
5. Write a book|Create a following: You can use a blog to lay out and draft your first or next book. Using the page features, you can outline the book, create subpages, and/or use the post feature to draft your book. Don't worry about people stealing your content. You can use Copyscape and other tools to protect your work. Some new authors make the mistake of writing a book without having a following and/or knowing who they're writing the book for. You can start a blog and use it as a place to create interest and research for your topic.
Nobody knows what happen with us but only GOD….. Keep Spirit…!!

Make Blogging More Fun !

Make Blogging More Fun !

Let's read it and change our mind; blogging can be very time-consuming and sometimes very frustrating. Now is the time to spice things up a bit and add some fun to your blog.
Here are some thoughts that make us change our mind about blogging:
There is no blog police - you can blog about what you want to blog about. Of course its best not to get too far away from your niche, but it's okay to make a variation on a topic or make controversy if that suits you, or even better, be humorous!
If your schedule is quite rigid and your blog is getting you down, throw it out the window. Remember, there is no blog police. With the relief you'll get from setting it aside, now you will have fun writing!
Challenge yourself. Yes, it can be fun if you challenge yourself with something that's related to your blog. Write one chapter for your Kindle book each day. Oh yeah, blog about it and get others involved for the fun of making it viral with their comments.
Hold a contest on your blog. People like to win prizes and it will be fun for you to give them something free, like an eBook, free training or a free subscription to your newsletter.
Lighten up on your self-imposed rigid blogging rules and you'll find your creativity and sense of fun come back.
Writing the content for your blog post is fun but can take all your attention and focus, but that's not all there is to it. Before you hit the post button, check all the areas that you missed.
Did you remember to... Review & proofread? Add your tags, maybe the most used tags? Fill in the All the SEO section? Make sure that your links work? Preview it to make sure formatting looks good? Add a featured image? Write the alt tag of the image? Check that the sharing settings are OK? Edit the sharing custom message?
Your goal is to complete your check list before you hit the post button. Figure out what you missed before your readers or they will find some of it for you.
A calendar for your blog is a great way to get organized when it comes to your blogging essays. If you've never tried one before, try it now and you'll be stunned.
1. Your blogging calendar should have a mix of information, anchor posts, promotions, case studies, interviews, guest posts, valuable stuff, etc. When you list your topics on the calendar, also note how it's going to follow (promo, case study, etc.)
2. The idea is that you should do what you have listed on your calendar.
3. Look back when at the end of the month and analyze what worked well and what didn't. You can draw conclusions based on comments, shares, sales, affiliate sales, etc.
A blogging calendar is the start, but actually doing the posts and analyzing what worked well will move your blog forward.
Keep spirit and Happy blogging !

How Blog Marketing Is Really Important For Our Life

How Blog Marketing Is Really Important For Our Life

Here, I want to tell you about Blogs. Blogs are powerful and can offer a very large number of pros to the people who go for them. There were times when people write blogs just for entertainment purposes however today they are widely adopted for the promotion of businesses.
They can unconditionally help you in keeping up the pace of your business all the time. Thus if you are running a business, it is very essential for you to know the importance of blog marketing.
Blog marketing is something that usually doesn't need any investment but can bring results for you that can take your business at a great height of success in no time. Listed below are the factors that highlight the importance of blog marketing if you want to grow your business.
Blog marketing help generating income
Blog are something that commonly act as a platform where your clients and other needy people of your products can know who you are and how your products and services are different from others. If you post something very interesting with titles that can attract the attention of people, probably you can divert more and more people towards your website and can assure more income.
Blog marketing helps posting ads
Blog marketing is widely adopted as one of the excellent campaigns that can help in posting advertisements related with your business, products as well as services over the internet. These ads are very effective in making your brands famous among people. Thus blog marketing is actually very important for the promotion or for the growth of your business.
Go for it without worrying about the class and category of your business
When it comes to marketing, business owners often have to put sincere efforts and it is not always essential that the marketing campaign supported by the business is capable to bring favorable fortune for them. It really doesn't matter what is the size of your enterprise and which type of business you are doing, it is something that can help you in getting favorable fortune in no time.
Blogs are an excellent source of revenue
There are a very large number of business owners who earn a great sum of money from blogs every year. Blogs can easily be utilized for this task and the best thing is that there is no limit on earning money. If you have enough skills, you can earn what you cannot even expect. Thus blogs play a great role in generating more money from your business.
In addition to this, it is the marketing campaign that doesn't need complex efforts in bringing out final outcomes. Going for it, costs you nothing, but the overall number of benefits that you can have from it are huge in number and are free from conditions.
So, Do not give up and keep blogging ......